two weeks into full-time employment.


sometimes i have straight-up dumb luck. on my way home from an assignment in western iowa during my first week, i drove by eric sheets of rockford, ohio, as he walked down highway 92. as you can see, the sun was setting after a brief storm. not quite believing that i was seeing a man walking barefoot with a donkey and dog, i stopped to talk to him. he told me that he began to walk bare foot from rockford, ohio on memorial day this year with an end goal of reaching seattle. he is (currently) walking with his dog buck and donkey moses to raise awareness of alternative forms of education, like adaptive learning programs, that are better suited to the students who pursue them. "too many kids are being left behind in the education system," he said.

it's odd little run-ins like these that make me really happy to be back in the journalism world.
