i want to be strong, i want to laugh along. i want to belong to the living.

(outside of the catedral de oaxaca also known as the cathedral of the virgin of the assumption, town zócalo of oaxaca, méxico)

despite oaxaca's violent 2006 and a u.s. government-issued warning of avoidance, our days and nights spent in the city were the most relaxing introduction to méxico that we could have imagined. the evenings, after watching seinfield with the hostel owner, of course, were spent in the town zócalo, enjoying the sights, the sounds, the food and the charms of a 16th-century colonial city.

stayed tuned, and i'll post a pic or two from our hike into the sierra madre! don't pretend you're not excited.

also, i realize the blog title doesn't have a whole lot to do with the image, but i'm just hoping it makes someone, somewhere out there listen to some joni mitchell because there's a decent chance i am.